Weight Loss Sarasota, Lakewood Ranch and Bradenton since 2015!

Body Sculpting

Non-Invasive Solutions to Target Stubborn Fat and Cellulite

Our non-invasive body sculpting services offer transformative solutions that specifically target stubborn fat that can be resistant to diet and exercise. Our services aren’t just about physical transformation; they’re about boosting your self-assurance and enhancing your overall well-being. When you see and feel the remarkable results, your confidence will soar. You’ll radiate the kind of self-assuredness that comes from knowing you’ve taken control of your body and achieved the results you’ve always wanted.

Cryo Toning Cellulite

Cryoskin Toning utilizes the innovative power of cold therapy to target cellulite at its source. During the treatment, our expert technicians apply a precisely controlled cooling technique to the areas where cellulite is most troublesome. This cold therapy helps to constrict blood vessels, stimulate collagen production, and break down fat cells, effectively reducing the appearance of cellulite.

But that’s not all – Cryoskin Toning also stimulates lymphatic drainage, which helps to eliminate toxins and excess fluid buildup, further improving skin texture and tone. The result? Smoother, firmer, and more youthful-looking skin.

Cryo Slimming

CryoSlimming uses a technique known as thermal shock therapy to permanently reduce unwanted body fat. First, the fat cells are brought to the surface and enlarged using heat. Then, sub-zero temperatures freeze and crystalize those cells. A lymphatic massage technique is then used to breakdown those now frozen and fragile fat cells.

To further enhance lymphatic drainage and ensure fat cells are efficiently removed, we provide the chance to use the infrared sauna at no additional cost. 

Cryo Toning Facial

CryoToning Facial treatments reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles while improving the elasticity of your skin. The technology works by using below-freezing temperatures to widen blood vessels and stimulate collagen production. Our clients love this fast and pain-free way of achieving tighter, more radiant skin.

Enhance the anti-aging effects of your Cryo Facial with Celluma LED: our professional-grade and FDA cleared Red Light Therapy panel. 


RF Sculpt

This cutting-edge technology uses High-Intensity Electromagnetic pulses (HiEMT) to engage your muscles in a way that’s almost impossible through regular exercise. It triggers intense muscle contractions, strengthening and toning your body. But that’s not all! These contractions also accelerate fat metabolism, effectively melting away stubborn fat.

But here’s where the magic happens – HiEMT Sculpting combines with the power of Radiofrequency (RF) technology. RF  generates heat deep within the targeted fat cells. This heat causes the fat cells to break down and eventually be flushed out of your body through its natural processes.

Why is muscle tone so crucial? Well, adequate muscle tone is the secret to a contoured, sculpted appearance, smoother skin, and faster metabolism. Muscle is the foundation of a beautiful sculpture, providing support and definition to your body. 

Pelvic Floor Therapy

Utilizing the same machine as our RF Sculpting, Pelvic Floor sculpting utilizes HiEMT to engage and revitalize the pelvic muscles, promoting overall wellness and self-confidence. HiEMT for the pelvic floor addresses multiple issues for both men and women:

  1. Incontinence: This therapy strengthens and tightens the pelvic floor muscles, providing better control and reducing leaks.

  2. Pelvic Pain: HiEMT stimulates blood flow and improves muscle tone, addressing discomfort and tension in the pelvic area.

  3. Erectile Dysfunction: By enhancing blood circulation and muscle strength, HiEMT may help improve erectile function.

  4. Stomach Pooch: The therapy’s deep muscle contractions not only strengthen the pelvic floor but can also contribute to a flatter, more toned appearance in the abdominal area.

Photo Aug 06, 6 10 40 AM
After 6 Sessions of RF Sculpting


Call 941-451-CRYO for specials and package pricing!

Body Sculpting FAQs

The Cryoskin device that we use was launched years ago and is used throughout Europe. The device has been tested rigorously and is very safe. Its programming and electronics are managed by a computerized Windows system, and the cooling system is controlled by an electronic temperature sensor located in the processing head of the device. The temperature is controlled in real-time by the machine and the figures displayed on the screen.
The key benefits are measurable fat loss, cellulite reduction, and improved skin appearance. As with most techniques, the results vary from one individual to another. However, 85% of our customers rate the service as good or excellent. The results should be visible immediately and many people continue to see improvements over a two to three weeks period.
The treatment is painless, and some clients describe it as being rather pleasant. This is due to the massage technique used by our team, combined with the initial skin warming sensation transforming into the gradual temperature decrease.

Anyone who is looking to reduce appearance of cellulite and stubborn areas of fat. Cryoskin is not intended for obese individuals. Cryoskin works best for individuals under 29 BMI. If BMI is higher than 29 you may be a candidate for our Medical Weight Loss Program (tirzepatide). 

Fat loss is permanent so long as your lifestyle does not result in a calorie surplus which equates to fat/weight gain. If you are regaining fat you may need to condsider consulting with a registered dietician to asses your body’s specific nutrition needs. 

Slimming treatments can be performed once every 15 days and toning treatments can be performed every seven days.

This cutting-edge technology has undergone rigorous testing and has been proven to be a safe and effective method for muscle building and body sculpting. It is non-invasive, pain-free, and requires no downtime. 

The best candidates for RF sculpting are individuals with BMI between 18.5 to 24.9 and lead an active lifestyle who have stubborn areas of fat and/or want to gain definition in abs, legs, arms, or glutes. 

The initial session may be slightly unconcomfortable, but clients report sessions becoming more comfortable with each following session? 

RF sculpting needs to be done 2x per week for measurable results. 

Fat loss is permanent as long as your lifestyle is not leading to more calories consumed than burned. Muscle follows the rule “use it, or lose it”…muscle must continue to be stimulated either through exercise once you finish sessions.