Weight Loss Sarasota, Lakewood Ranch and Bradenton since 2015!



IV and injection treatments are packed with vitamins and nutrients to replenish your body and help you achieve your best! Intravenous treatments are provided by our licensed medical professionals within 60 minutes or less. Sit back and relax at either of our locations or take advantage of our state of the art mobile platform for your hydration needs. Contact us at 941-451-CRYO to learn more about our concierge IV services.

IV Therapy

Physicians in the local area regularly refer their patients to us for IV therapy because they trust that our services are safe and effective. In just 60-90 minutes our clients can leave our offices feeling refreshed, rejuvenated, and ready to tackle anything that life throws at them.

See for yourself how IV hydration can improve your health and wellbeing. Our current range of IV therapies includes the following formulas:



  • Basic Dehydration $150

    Dehydration can play havoc with our bodies and can prohibit us from performing at our best. Caused by anything from intense physical activity, hot weather, or simply not taking care of hydration needs, being dehydrated can lead to tiredness, dizziness, and dry skin. Our basic dehydration IV is the perfect antidote and will put a spring back in your step.

  • Immunity Boost $200

    Immunity Boost IV helps boost the immune system. For this therapy, you’ll receive fluids with a mega-dose of B Vitamins, Vitamin D, Vitamin C, and Zinc, powerful antioxidants and anti-inflammatory vitamins. Your immune system is strongly influenced by what we take into our bodies. Vitamin C is important as it helps certain cells perform their infection and disease-fighting abilities better. Vitamin C has been shown to reduce the duration of an illness as well. Zinc is an essential key element needed by our bodies and it helps keep the immune system strong. Antioxidants add to our infection and disease-fighting ability by further stimulating cellular processes.

  • High Dose Vitamin C $250-325

    Vitamin C is incredibly important to our health and without it, we literally start to fall apart. As such, a vitamin C IV has a huge range of benefits including boosting the immune system, strengthening bones and tendons, and improving and protecting the skin. High dose vitamin C is especially beneficial during times of heightened stress, excessive fatigue, and when your immune system needs a helping hand.

  • Myers’ Cocktail $200

    Pioneered by the late Dr. John Myers, this infusion is essentially a multivitamin administered directly into the bloodstream. Containing vitamins and minerals including magnesium, calcium, and vitamin C, this IV can be an effective treatment for various conditions including migraines, fibromyalgia, and seasonal allergies.

  • Fast Infusion High Dose Glutathione $200

    Glutathione is an antioxidant mainly consisting of three amino acids. Naturally occurring levels of glutathione may be reduced by factors including stress, environmental toxins, and poor nutrition. Boosting glutathione is beneficial for several conditions including autoimmune disease, peripheral artery disease, and fatty liver disease.

  • Energizer $150

    Hydration fluids + B12. Vitamin B12 is an important vitamin needed for the brain, nerves, and production of red blood cells in the body. It is used to treat not only vitamin B12 deficiency, but also other conditions, such as pernicious anemia and diabetes. Benefits of B12 include boosting energy levels, promoting deep sleep, increasing mental clarity, and improving immune system.

  • Athletic Recovery $225

    Athletes love our athlete recovery IV for its recovery-boosting properties. In addition to helping you get back out there faster, this hydrating, vitamin-packed formula promotes efficient energy consumption, supports metabolism, and improves strength and tone.

  • Hangover $195

    We’ve all been there: an after-work drink turns into a big night out and the next morning feels like it’s never going to end. Our hangover IV is an incredibly quick and effective way of combating hangover symptoms. It works by hydrating the body, flushing out toxins, and restoring the nutrients that are lost through a heavy night of drinking alcohol.

Not sure which IV therapy is right for you? Our experienced team can guide you on what’s best for your unique needs. We can also individualize and make adjustments to IV Drips so you get exactly what you need. Get in touch today for a free consultation.